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Tag Archives: Kamala Harris

Michelle Obama

Sweet Jesus, Its Michelle Obama

When it comes to dressing, Michelle Obama never disappoints, but today she took things to new heights, arriving at Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration in a look that radiated the power, grace, and style she’s well known for. The belted monochrome look in shades of burgundy and

Eugene Goodman escorted Kamala Harris to Biden's inauguration

Eugene Goodman escorted Kamala Harris to Biden’s inauguration

Eugene Goodman has been hailed as a hero ever since he lured rioters away from the Senate chambers during the January 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill. The Capitol Police officer’s courageous actions were recognized again on Wednesday when he escorted Kamala Harris to the inauguration ceremony. He

Kamala Harris is the first Black Vice-Presidential Candidate

Kamala Harris is the first Black Vice-Presidential Candidate !

Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden has announced his pick for his running mate: Kamala Harris. Biden shared the news his Twitter, writing: 55-year-old Harris had until 2019 been running against Biden for the Democratic ticket, and has for a while been considered one of the most likely