5 signs he feels guilty for hurting you

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If he hurt you and feels bad about it, he may feel like he owes you.

As the popular saying goes, ‘ action speaks louder than words’.

Instead of apologizing for their wrong deeds, some guys go out of his way to make you happy more so than usual until he feels enough time has passed that the pain has diminished.

Is he showing signs he feels guilty for hurting you or not?

  • He avoids you

If he is genuinely busy with work-related issues then there is no cause for alarm. However, if he cancels date nights and he posts photos or video on social media hanging out with friends then he might be probably avoiding you.

  • He is private and secretive

Trust, privacy and constant communication are the pillars of every successful relationship. Some people lock their phones and have passwords on everything to keep outsiders from having access to sensitive information on their phones. They should feel free to make a call or send a text to others in the presence of their significant others.

  • He buys you gifts

Showing appreciation for the little things you receive from your spouse strengthens the relationship. However, if you get a weird vibe that he is showering you with gifts because he has hurt you, don’t overlook it. People go overboard with their gift or romantic gesture to compensate for their guilt.

  • He wants you to catch him

Some people deliberately leave clues for you to catch them in the act when they can’t face the guilt. Maybe they will leave their phone out or leave their laptop unlocked. Or even leave a sketchy receipt in their pocket.

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Someone who has been hiding something for a long time knows all the tricks, so if you catch him, he wanted you to.

  • He admits it to release the guilt

And then there are some guys that feel guilty for hurting you so they come clean. It just depends if they are doing it to apologize and move on or to release themselves from the guilt.

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