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A curriculum is a total guided learning experience developed to facilitate learners learning at all levels.

Education today is regarded as the bedrock of every society, Nations have been built by the ideologies of the intellects of individuals and civilizations have also being destroyed by certain concepts of certain individuals yet, most nations do not pay very keen attention to the sphere of education.

I would narrow down my thoughts to the African context, using my country Nigeria as a case study. Nigeria is one of the largest youth-based population all around Africa, with the highest level of graduate being produced every year. The curriculum that has been used over time and time again if I must say has served its purpose and requires a total overhaul. The curriculum we use in our schools and universities today are a product of the times of the 19th century.

The question still remains, how do you fit a 19th-century curriculum into a 21st-century society? How comes every other thing in our world evolves except our school curriculum. If we do agree that Education is the bedrock of our society then we need a curriculum- shift

Eno peters
Founder ValueMax Academy

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