Today to be first palindrome Inauguration Day in American history

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Today, Inauguration Day, marks the start of a 10-day stretch of palindrome dates – dates which read the same forward and backward.

According to the Farmer’s Almanac, this is the first palindrome-number Inauguration Day in American history, with the next one not happening for 1,000 years.

Citing Aziz Inan of the University of Portland, Oregon, the almanac said 2021 will be an especially good year for palindrome dates, with a total of 22. The first was a four-digit palindrome on Jan. 2, or 1-2-21. Nineteen are five-digit palindromes, which occur in January and December.

In January, the dates are 1-20-21 through 1-29-21, while in December there will be nine dates from 12-1-21 through 12-9-21.

The final two dates are Dec. 11 (12-11-21) and Dec. 22 (12-22-21).

Inan said that only two years in a century contain 22 palindrome dates, which are years ending in 11 and ending in 21.

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