Study tips to help with online learning

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The transition to remote learning has been difficult for some students, leaving them unmotivated, fatigued, and struggling. 

The pandemic has forced colleges to limit the number of face-to-face learning opportunities based on recommended health and safety guidelines, physical space constraints, instructor availability, and student demand. 

Are there any solutions for those who may be feeling overwhelmed, you might ask? 

Here are some impactful tips that students can implement in their lives to stay motivated when taking online courses. And one of these suggestions is to build a routine and start with simple habits. For example, block off Monday mornings to work on an English class. 

Another method that may help is getting organized, creating a designated space where you can work on classes free of distractions and establishing a line of communication with fellow study mates.


The mobile app iLinkOn does an excellent job in assisting students and one could have a better time studying with the app, especially if you’re undergoing through an online learning phase.  

A lot of students are having a difficult time focusing because they feel isolated in their learning environments. Sometimes the biggest barrier to feeling connected to an online class is the medium. If you are not comfortable and engaged on Zoom, or watching material in Canvas, then it is easy to check out. 

With apps like iLinkOn it becomes easy to network with fellow students studying the same courses or participating in the same extracurricular activities.


You could also catch up on missed lectures and events, solve some school-related problem like notifying fellow students when an event time or event location is changed through the group chat feature in the app.

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The app also provides a way for students to communicate and interact with each other through the messaging feature.  

If you’re a student who is struggling with the new climate of learning through the pandemic, don’t be discouraged. There are people, options, and resources prepared to help students through it.

You can download the app here for Android and here for iOS devices.