
Use These 5 Tips for Better Video Calls

Want to look better on video calls? Whether you want to quickly meet with your team, your business partners from across the world, or have a job interview via video call. We all know the dilemma. Almost everyone is familiar with the issue that we just don’t look as good on screen as we want to. Follow these 6 easy tips and tricks and start enjoying your video calls.

Position the Camera on Eye Level

Angling your camera correctly is the most important aspect when you want to look good on video calls. Place your camera set at eye-level. This way you can ensure that your counterpart doesn’t get the feeling of towering over you or vice versa. In order to have a natural atmosphere, make sure your upper body is visible in the camera, not just your face.

Make Eye Contact

Once you have angled your camera properly, keeping eye contact with your counterpart will be easy. Make sure to look at the camera, in order to appear as making eye contact from the other person’s point-of-view. The further you position your screen away from you, the less you’ll have to move your eyes between the camera and the video call screen.

Dress Appropriately

Your first impression counts and so does your outfit. You will feel more confident in a business outfit and your interviewer will definitely keep a close eye on what you wear. Keep in mind to dress your lower body as appropriately as your upper body. Even if you don’t plan to stand up, at some point you may have to, and this will save everyone involved a huge embarrassment.

Use the Right Lighting 

Poor lighting conditions and a disturbing background are unflattering. Most people prefer natural sunlight, which creates a healthy and fresh complexion. However, make sure to avoid the annoying glare of the sun on your screen or in your face. That could make you look unrelaxed and nervous.

Start a Test Call

Especially before job interviews, it is recommended to check your video and sound quality with a close friend or family member. This will not only give you experience in handling the video communication tool, but also boost your confidence to speak in front of a camera. Bonus: It will improve your performance for every job interview or business meeting in general.