Millionaire Exposes The Jake Paul Financial Freedom Scam

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Today, I bought the Financial Freedom Movement program by Jake Paul – here is my review as a self-made millionaire – enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan

After spending an entire day on this make money online program…here are my thoughts:

If I were looking at this completely objectively, just from a cost standpoint…I think it’s a decent amount of information for $20.

However, the sheer amount of up-sells in this program is absolutely atrocious. You’d think that for $240 per year…you’d get at least some type of supportive community behind it, some level of personal interaction, or something that’s really insightful towards building Financial Freedom…but, really, you don’t.

The way I see it, the entire concept was so poorly done, and for someone who’s build up an audience of nearly 20 million people…you’d think he would be doing other, more lucrative things…not masterminding a financial freedom movement, targeted towards young adults, with nonstop upsells and advertisements for more expensive training.

But, not all hope is lost…by going through this course, I did get my $20’s worth of entertainment…and here’s what I’ve learned:

One: If you want people to think you’re more important than you actually are, buy a whole bunch of fake Instagram followers. Sure, people like me will know those numbers are all fake…but, that doesn’t matter, because the type of people to actually buy your program will have no idea.

Two: Always have an upsell. Once you get someone’s small investment, upfront..they’ll be more likely to proceed forward and buy even MORE expensive things, later…because you’ve already got them hooked in.

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Three: You know what people love more than getting a discount? Getting a 99% off discount. So, go ahead and mark up prices as high as you can…just so you can bring them back down to pennies on the dollar, later.

And Four: The best way to make money online…is to talk about how to make money, online.