Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi will return for Thor 4

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If you can hear the sound of Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” playing in the distance, it’s likely because Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi is returning for Marvel’s Thor 4.

Waititi is pausing his work on Warner Bros.’ live-action Akira adaptation to focus his attention on Thor 4, according to a new report from The Hollywood Reporter. There isn’t too much information about Thor 4 right now, but Waititi is expected to team up with Chris Hemsworth again for the project. Considering Avengers: Endgame ended with a tease of Thor heading out to space with the Guardians of the Galaxy, there may be some crossovers, too.

The director’s decision to board Thor 4 and drop Akira came as a shock, according to a report from Variety. There was movement on the production end, but reported issues with the film’s script and scheduling conflicts with Thor 4 apparently led to Waititi’s decision. Although Warner Bros. has put Akira on hold indefinitely — a term often used within the industry to signify that something is canceled — the hope is to have Waititi return to the project once he’s done with Thor 4, according to Variety. The film was supposed to come out in May 2021.

Everyone wants a piece of Waititi’s time, and for good reason. The director is credited with revitalizing the Thor franchise on Thor: Ragnarok. The changes Waititi made to Thor’s character carried over into Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, and Hemsworth has credited the director for making Thor fun again.

His other films, including Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Boy, and What We Do in the Shadows have received critical acclaim around the world. Waititi’s next project, JoJo Rabbit, a satirical Holocaust drama, will be released on October 18th.

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