Techpoint Free Office Space Is Here!

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Awom Media? When are we moving to Lagos!

Do you need a space to do quick work when there is no electricity in your area?

Do you need space to work for a few hours?

If yes, search no more.

Techpoint is throwing their office doors (8 Adebayo Mokuolu St, Anthony Village close to New Castle Hotel ) open for you to come and work for a few hours.

They are trying to further support the Nigerian Startup and Developers community and everyone keeping the hustle pure and real.

However, terms and conditions apply

  • Note that the office will be available on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Fill the form here stating time and date you want to come in.
  • Office use is restricted to a maximum of 3 hours daily and 6 hours monthly.
  • You must have a valid ID.
  • A booking admits only one person and a laptop.
  • Phones and mobile devices must be on silent mode during working hours.
  • Availability of slot must be confirmed before coming.

Spread the word and see you soon

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