NHub In Jos city Announces The Appointment Theodore Longji Of New Chief Executive Officer

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NHub In Jos city Announces The Appointment Theodore Longji Of New Chief Executive Officer

Following the recent appointment of Mr. Daser David as Pioneer Director General of the recently gazettePlateau Information Communication and Technology Development Agency (PICTDA)

nHub Nigeria has seen some restructuring, starting with the resignation of Mr. David as Chief Operating Officer and the appointment of Mr. Theodore Longji, as the new CEO. Before his appointment, Theodore was the team lead, Research, Development and Partnerships.

Commenting on the new development Mr. Eric Nanle, the Incubation Manager said the change was necessary and that nHub was repositioning itself to cater for more developmental strides come 2019. He wished both Daser and Theodore well in their new offices while urging them to use these opportunities to create a better future for the Youth and generations to come.

Mr. Theodore commented, “I am very pleased with the appointment and look forward to driving the development and execution of our corporate strategy going forward. In addition to the hub’s core values, we intend to devote significant time and effort to creating opportunities, nurture talents, and pursue opportunities in technologies which we believe offers tremendous opportunity for value and job creation.”

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