RECIPE in a jar; 5 Ways to easily succeed! By Akita Emmanuel

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A good recipe always leaves a trail. I practiced all week to get this recipe ready and I bet when “Success” is finally served, you’ll keep asking for more. Guess what? Success has been my favorite meal and if I had to plan a whole day worth of meals, it will bring the good aroma of success in the morning with a lot of purpose sauce and a double dose of confidence for lunch and dinner. You probably might not like this recipe as I did, but you may change your mind after you reading my reasons.

Ready in 10 minutes

Serves billion people

5 billion interest


  • Purpose
  • Self-determination
  • Confidence
  • Passion
  • Vision
  • Execution
  • Ambition
  • Goals


  1. Kill that “I Don’t Know”…. Nigerians call it IDK.

In a large mixing bowl, mix 4 cups of passion with 5kg package cream of ambition. Stop saying I don’t how to do it? Or constantly reminding yourself that this is not your business and start saying things like I can do it or better still, I can find a way around it. Find someone who know better than you, ask for “HELP.” There’s always a “way,” make sure you find it. Mix passion with self-determination and feel the taste at the end.

As a child, I showed no early signs of “asking for assists” whatsoever. My mother who was always my biggest champion, just quietly assumed I was never going to get out of this “handicap stage”. I easily reply with a shrug of shoulders and curt the familiar saying, “I don’t know”.

Kick out the “IDK” (I Don’t Know) and bring in the “IFO” (I’ll Find Out), guess what, the aroma is irresistible. Being willing to get the information that is needed makes one looks valuable, resourceful and cooperative.

So what should I do if I’m truly not the best person to answer the question? But, it’s simple: Own it. Admit you’re not quite the wheelhouse, but that you can undoubtedly find someone who can assist you with the job.

It isn’t difficult for one to say out the phrase “I don’t know” even before realizing it, however, there are plenty alternatives to try. Get this process right, and you will be ready to fly to a better successful life.

2. Focus on solution rather on problems. Simmer over moderate heat. Add 1 cup of all-purpose vision, sift additional ¾ cup and sprinkle some vision on it 5 minutes later. Replace the “can’t” with “can.” I failed mathematics (a problem), I’ll extend my study period for mathematics (solution). Problems are always with us and always will. Get busy. Get going. Develop a sense of urgency. The faster you move in the direction of finding solution, the more creative you will be. The more energy you will have. The more you will learn. And the faster you will develop your capacity to achieve even more in the future. You can solve any problem, overcome any obstacle or achieve any goal that you can set for yourself by using your wonderful creative mind and then taking action consistently and persistently until you attain your objective. Success is a mark of a creative thinker, and when you use your ability to think creatively, your success can be unlimited.

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“If at first you don’t succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.” William Lyon Phelps.

Have you heard of the story of a ten-year-old boy who decided to study judo despite the fact that he lost his left-arm in a devastating car accident? That is positive focus right there.

I have found that there is almost always a positive side to a problem. Perhaps it alerts us of a great way to improve our business or relationships. Or teaches us how our lives perhaps aren’t as bad as we thought. Finding this more positive part of the problem reduces its negative emotional impact. You may even start to see the situation as a great opportunity for you.

When you are faced with a problem ask yourself:

What is the good thing about this?

What can I learn from this?

What hidden opportunity can I find within this problem?

It’s time to evaluate your success. If you were successful, congratulations! If not, no worries. Maybe you didn’t quite choose the right solution or the situation changed. You have definitely learned something.

And do you know “Anybody can win unless there happen to be a second entry?” George Ade.

3. Save Less, Invest More. Pour in a freshly ground goals with 2 beaten of self-determination. Saving money at the end of the month simply means extra money put into your savings account after paying all your debts and bills and earns you almost nothing in return. Investing means extra money at the end of the month put to work for you in an attempt to make more.

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I strongly consider banks as a medium for performing financial transaction to the old term “safeguarding valuables.” My friend looks amazed when I told him about my personal view on banks; I don’t keep monies in the bank before investing. He referred to Economist motives of keeping money (precautionary and transactory) as his source of truth, and my defense was “Why save first when I can invest and get more to save more?”

A woman proudly told her friend, “I’m responsible for making my husband a millionaire.” “Well what was he before he married you?” the friend asked. “A billionaire.”

Evestor says a good rule of thumb is: the lower the risk the lower the return — and vice versa. Simply put, you want to invest in order to create wealth. It’s relatively painless, and the rewards are plentiful. You want to become your family’s Most Cherished Ancestor? Invest, get rich and pass on your riches to the next generation. Whether you’re starting from scratch or have a few thousand saved, Investing will help get you going on the road to financial well-being.

4. Don’t be an Island. Add full stick of confidence and lightly season with some set goals, self-determination and execution. Associate with like-minded individuals, get informed, help those below your level of understanding. Leave a good mark.

“In the future when you communicate, honor yourself and stay on your island but be willing to visit other islands. No man or woman is an island. To exist just for yourself is meaningless. You can achieve the most satisfaction when you feel related to some greater purpose in life, something greater than yourself.” Denis Waitley.

If one knocks on your door and ask for a small donation for a swimming pool. Don’t neglect, you can donate a glass of water.

“HELP” is one of the best gifts one can get. But, it will only work if you have the courage to ask. you could really use right it now, go to the right person and ask for it today. Beyond this, is to offer some help. You should realize other people around you also share those same emotions. By helping someone else, you gain both purpose and connection. There are people in need of your skills. Maybe they feel abandoned too. Find one and share.

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You won’t be an island when you spend your time serving others. When you are engaged in improving the life of someone else, you have no choice but to improve your own. Is there anything missing right now in your community that could make it better? What is some skill or knowledge you have that could improve the life of someone around you? Find that need and then fill it.

5. Follow the money…… Bake for 5–10 minutes or until the crust is light golden brown. You want to follow the almighty Naira or Dollar? This is for the big heart and this may involve relocating to a demography where your skills is in demand, changing your circle (friends) or your work habit. Replace the bad habits with something else- when you get rid of one habit, it leaves an open space for another one to form. It is the “do this, not that” type of thought process.

Are you one of them who believes money doesn’t buy happiness? I have news for you; maybe you should try poverty.

“When bills arrived that couldn’t be paid, money became a monster that tormented me,” Schramm.

A good idea is to replace the bad habit with something that is good for you or for your career. This is extra productive because as you are making the good thing a habit, you are getting rid of the bad thing. This can be as simple as, instead of gossiping about co-workers when you are on a break, praise co-workers. Talk about how someone in the office is doing a great job. This will fill the same social need as gossiping does and will improve office morale and make you feel just a little kinder about your co-workers.

Now serve it warm!

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Napoleon Hill.

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”President Calvin Coolidge.