Kendall Jenner cries Over Pepsi Advert Scandal

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The wildly popular reality TV show Keeping Up With The Kardashians is back for a 10th season and from the premiere video, there seems to be more drama than ever.

Supermodel and one of the stars of the show Kendall Jenner was teary-eyed expressing her feelings about her controversial Pepsi commercial which received backlash for commercializing political protests and trivializing the tensions between minorities and law enforcement in America.

In between sobs, she said to her sister Kim Kardashian:

It’s a huge company. Michael Jackson’s done it. Britney Spears has done it. Beyoncé has done it. Pink … I trusted everyone. I trusted the teams. But after I saw the reaction and I read what people had to say about it, I most definitely saw what went wrong.
I feel really bad that anyone that anyone was ever offended … This was taken such a wrong way. … I have no idea how I’m gonna bounce back from it.
I would never purposely hurt someone ever. … If I knew this was gonna be the outcome I would have never done something like this. It was so like, I just felt so f–king stupid.

Kendall then mentioned that the fallout from the commercial was really depressing and big sister Kim advised her to be real and honest about the controversy and to look at it as an opportunity to grow.

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