Two-Year-Old YouTuber Made Rihanna’s Favorite Fenty Beauty Review

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Like many YouTubers, Samia Ali just had to review Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty line. Unlike many YouTubers, Samia is two years old.

But let that stop the toddler, who has over 62,000 subscribers on YouTube, from getting in on the Fenty Beauty hype. Armed with brushes, foundation, Match Stix shimmers, and of course, that Killawatt Trophy Wife highlighter, Samia gave herself that Rih-inspired glow, quite literally:

Of course, Samia isn’t necessarily paying attention to her social media stats at her age, but mama LaToya Forever (who made her own, perhaps more traditional Fenty Beauty review for her 1.3 million subscribers) sure picked up on the Bad Gal love:

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